Government Subsidised Mentoring Registration

Some hours of "me time" for your business

We all get busy. We all have what Stephen Covey calls “important but not urgent” items on our to do lists. And it just so happens we can help you with one of them.

If you’ve been wanting to set some time aside to get some clarity about your marketing, kick your blogging into gear, sharpen your use of your smartphone for taking better photos and videos, tame the Google Analytics beast so you start getting useful insights into what is helping (or not helping) your business reach your audiences, a mentoring session with Steve Davis could be just the thing to help you take action.

We can currently provide mentoring under two programs subsidised by government and managed by the Adelaide Business Hub.

Most of this mentoring is conducted using Zoom (this allows for comprehensive notes and recordings that you can refer back to later), but we can arrange for face-to-face sessions upon request.

Mentoring with Steve Davis from Talked About Marketing Adelaide

Women In Business

The first program is the Women In Business Foundation Program, Round II. This supports participants who identify as a woman and who are:

  • a company director or secretary; or
  • partner in a partnership; or
  • sole trader

of a business with:

  • a current Australian Business Number (ABN);
  • which is for profit, and the principal place of business in South Australia; and
  • has less than 20 employees

ASBAS Digital Solutions

The other program we can currently offer is the ASBAS Digital Solutions mentoring.

To be eligible to participate in business mentoring, your small business needs to fit the following criteria:

  • Has an active ABN
  • Under 20 Employees
  • For-profit South Australian business
  • Not received mentoring under this program before

We can cover many of the questions and challenges you face that have a digital component relating to marketing and communication.

Ready For Some Time With The GP Of Marketing?

Steve has been mentoring business people for 20 years and loves helping people take stock of their situation then consider some ways forward.

"I thouroughly enjoyed and benefited from my sessions with Steve. He has a high level of expertise in seeking and creating clarity around your service delivery. Such a helpful boost to transforming my business communications to a more targeted approach. Thankyou !"

"Steve was great at what he does, very professional and knowledgeable, Very encouraging and with lots of tips and helpful strategies to put into place to help improve my business. Now is my call to action them all. I would be keen to have another follow up with Steve down the track."

"Very logical and supportive approach which helped me to navigate through the social media and digital marketing domains."

Enquire About Mentoring

Applications for mentoring should take place using the links, above, but if you have some questions to ask first, here’s the form for that.

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