Comprehensive Marketing Consultation Services

Being a founder or a leader in business is demanding and rewarding, even though sometimes it can take over your life.

We get it.

We’ve seen the story repeated thousands of times over the past 20+ years.

Our Adelaide marketing consultancy is here to be your fresh set of eyes, your sounding board, your trusted advisor, as you get clarity once again so you and your enterprise can thrive. This could range from a marketing strategy consultation to marketing content creation that blends human insights with AI support.

We look forward to helping you, starting with our initial Marketing Consultation to get the lay of the land, or by meeting you through any of the business mentoring sessions subsidised by the state or federal goverment.

In the meantime, to get a feel for our approach to owning and/or running a business, listen to one of the short episodes of our podcast, Talking About Marketing. It will give you a good sense of how we reflect on the situations and challenges common to all of us.

There's only one thing worse than being talked about and that's not being talked about. Oscar Wilde for Talked About Marketing Adelaide

Our most popular marketing services

Start Here

Marketing Consultation

Are you stuck? Are you poised to thrive? Or are you all set to go ahead with a project but just need a second opinion? Your marketing health is very similar to your physical health. Just like you would consult a GP for a thorough diagnosis before seeing a specialist, your business deserves the same care and attention. It pays to start with a general assessment.

Mentoring Sessions

The road to personal and professional growth can sometimes become unclear. Our mentoring services, led by David Olney, are designed to guide you towards unlocking your full potential. You possess untapped resources and experiences, which is why our mentoring revolves around the idea that you never start from zero. You can start with a single session.

Planning Meetings

Forget everything you know about strategic planning meetings. Our approach at Talked About Marketing combines “learning” with “planning” to deal with the Planning Falacy head on. That fallacy basically holds that being smart in a particular field of expertise does not necessarily mean we are good at planning within that field. Planning is its own discipline.

Listen First

Before you work with us, listen to us. Our podcast, "Talking About Marketing", will help you thrive in your role as a business owner and/or leader. Each marketing podcast episode tips its hat to Philip Kotler’s famous “4 Ps of Marketing” (Product, Price, Place, Promotion), by honouring our own 4 Ps of Podcasting; Person, Principles, Problems, and Perspicacity.

The importance of branding

Has your small business got an easy to understand branding strategy? Have you captured your brand values and “style” in one place, to guide you as you and your team interact with clients, customers, and the community? While some people think only big firms need to have a strong brand, it’s small businesses that benefit most. Take a look at our approach to see if it works for you.

Small business websites and SEO

Every business, organisation, or enterprise needs to grow sales. And we believe the foundation for this exercise is a professional website. And we have the experience and technology to craft a website for almost any budget, while focussing on your specific site goals such as making bookings, setting appointments, buying tickets, to attracting new members or donations. 

Do you need a marketing agency?

Many small business owners successfully work with marketing agencies but the trick is finding a firm that’s the right fit. Take Talked About Marketing for example (seeing you’re on our website). Our chief consultants, Steve Davis and David Olney, both of years of experience in consulting; from solopreneurs to corporations. We’re flexible. Click through to learn more about our approach.

Steve Davis presenting a marketing workshop at Business Alexandrina
Steve Davis presenting a marketing workshop about website planning and blogging for Business Alexandrina at Goolwa

We're your partners, not vendors

We believe that business IS personal. That means when you work with us, we care. We care about your business goals and we care about you as a fellow human. 

In short, we’re on your side to help you make the right decisions for your business as your trusted advisors. We’re not here to just sell stuff to you.

And as you’ll see when you meet us in workshops, we’ll listen to your questions, ask some more, and then tailor our answers and advice to meet your needs as best as we can.

Oh, you’ll probably have some laughs too. There’s a robust sense of humour folded into the Talked About Marketing DNA.

Email Deliverability

The way email is delivered around the world has undergone a seismic shift this month (February 2024), similar to what happens when someone's at your front door. Imagine hearing a knock; you approach, peer through the peephole, and decide whether to open the door based on the visitor's appearance. That's what is happening to your email, right now, unless you take immediate steps to implement the three levels of authentication now required by Google and Yahoo. Yes, it's a pain, but it is part of the fight against spam and spoofing. We have a solution if you need help.

Meet Steve Davis, Founder and GP of Marketing

Steve Davis, the founder of Talked About Marketing, has a passion for supporting South Australia through his marketing workshops and consulting, through providing strategic and entertaining MC duties at events, co-presenting educational planning days with David Olney, and also through podcasting.

His passion project, The Adelaide Show Podcast, has been running since 2013, picking up Silver for Best Interview Podcast in Australia, and with colleague, David Olney, he creates Talking About Marketing, a short, fortnightly podcast created precisely for you.

No gimmicks, no selling, just helpful content because marketing should always make the world a better place!

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