
Blog articles by Talked About Marketing

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Talked About Marketing Blog Index

Blogging While You Sleep: The Double-Edged Sword of AI-Generated Content
[After a reader request from James Leyden, I have now added a second version of this piece after using...
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Social Media Is Not Broken, It Is Just Having A Quarter Life Crisis
If you’re old enough to have gone through a “quarter life crisis”, then you’ll...
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Are You a Post-a-Day Social Media User? Time for Ethical Marketers to Cut Down on This Toxic Habit
As a marketing consultant deeply entrenched in the digital world, I find myself at a crossroads, questioning...
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SEO in the AI Era: Amplifying Expertise with Thoughtful Use of AI and Long-Tail Keywords
For the past 20 years, I’ve watched the landscape of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) evolve but...
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Conferences Are As Boring As Documentaries But They Don't Have To Be
Ever sat through a conference where the speaker’s intro drags from childhood to present, packed...
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Is Your AI Really Checking The Sources It Cites: Citation Decoration Re Professor Longsword
I’ve been a fan of PerplexityAI as an “answer engine”, impressed by its custom summaries...
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A Lesson in Email Marketing: Harris Scarfe’s Less-Than-Personal Anniversary Message
I feel so bonded to Harris Scarfe now. Our three year anniversary has been noted by them sending me...
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Customer Service Lessons From The Road
This past week, while delivering a series of workshops titled Designing Better Customer Service in Tourism...
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The Emperor's New AI Tool And Other Fables
While finetuning my new AI best friend, Perplexity AI, I was prompted to fill in ever deepening reflections...
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Google Has Become A Lying Pile Of Horse Manure: Unpacking The True Cost Of "Added Value"
In an era where digital tools are extensions of our professional and personal identities, the recent...
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Grilling Success: Lessons from a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle for Small Business Marketing
The Australian sausage sizzle holds a special place in the heart of community fundraising efforts, serving...
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5 Swift Insights About Taylor Swift Marketing
I’m enchanted you are reading this. It’s my reflection on Taylor Swift marketing techniques...
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We Thought This Was Going to Be Easy": Reflecting on the Small Business Journey
The spark for this reflection was ignited by a simple act: sharing a meme that carried a message many...
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Why Are My Emails Being Blocked: The New Email Deliverability Rules Of No Uniform, No Entry
The way email is delivered around the world has undergone a seismic shift this month (February 2024),...
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3 Quick Lessons For Small Business From Leo Tolstoy's Long 1869 Novel War And Peace (And A Bonus From MAFS)
In Leo Tolstoy’s epic and very long novel, War and Peace, the complex tapestry of human experience...
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