
Blog articles by Talked About Marketing

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Talked About Marketing Blog Index

From Our Small Business Minister To A Couple On Holiday, Every Little Decision And Action You Take Can Have Profound Consequences
How recently have you changed your routine? How recently have you said “yes” to something,...
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Beware The Lure Of Workplace Dessert: The Importance Of The Hard Work Of Planning And Necessary Tasks
In the demanding world of small business, it’s easy to be enchanted by the ‘dessert’...
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Last Car Wash Then I'm Outta Here: Will Ending Loyalty Cards Cut The Cord And Set Your Customers Free
On Sunday, I went to the family owned and run service station I’ve used for 17 years to get some...
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Eulogy For Oscar Wilde
To mark the 123rd anniversary of the passing of the wit and wordsmith on this November 30, Steve Davis...
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Peddling Your Wares When The Tour Down Under Pedals Through Your Town
The TDU or Santos Tour Down Under, is one of those sporting events that attracts a number of fit, high-income...
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Weekend Sunrise - Behind The Scenes Of Being On TV
When people around Australia saw Belle Baker from Adelaide Hills & Fleurieu Farm Services on Weekend...
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Try asking learner questions, before ending conversations with judger questions
As referenced in our podcast, Talking About Marketing, I just finished listening to the 4th Edition of...
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Join The AI Obedience School And Avoid Accidents In The Office
Amid the hype and enthusiasm surrounding AI tools, there is an emerging issue: business owners and leaders...
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Airbnb Does Not Want Us Staying On Eyre Peninsula This Holiday Season
UPDATE: This story now has a happy ending. See below. There’s an old saying in marketing that...
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Creating A Content Marketing Calendar For Humans
In the noisy, fast-paced world of digital marketing, it’s easy for small business owners and leaders...
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See, Believe, Explain, Achieve
I just finished listening to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new book, Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life. As...
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The Genesis of "The High Table": A Journey into Meaningful Community Building at Talked About Marketing
David Olney and I, inspired by thinkers like Owen Eastwood, Mark Schaeffer, and Charles Vogl, have launched...
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Adopt An Action Orientation: Better Now Than Later
Something stopped me dead during my yoga practice last week and it impressed upon me the need for all...
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Blogging For Professional Development: Just What The GP Of Marketing Ordered
Since 2005, I have been advocating for the use of blogging for professional development and now I’m...
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Confidence Or Competence? What Comes First For Publicly Promoting Your Brand?
Working out how to empower people always involves building up both their confidence and competence, but...
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