Mentoring Appointment

Let's find a time to get down to business

We’re looking forward to holding the first mentoring session (or a follow up session) with you, and have crafted this simple booking page to make it fast and easy to find a time.

If you’ve been approved for a 3-hour program, we’ve found that it is best to have a 2-hour session and then a 1-hour follow up. However, if you’d like to do a three hour session in one hit, that’s fine by us, just contact Steve using the details below and he’ll arrange that booking separately.

There is a lot of competition for spaces in this program so if you do need to change a meeting time at all, please let us know as soon as possible so that we can manage this government program fairly and effectively.

Steve and Michael

Handy contact details

Steve Davis
[email protected]
0403 022 077

Michael Shanahan
[email protected]
0409 321 605

Mentoring is a brain to pick

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