S03E03 – Misery, Tragedy, And Community

Talking About Marketing Podcast by Steve Davis and David Olney

The “darker” emotional states of misery and tragedy are explored this episode because we have much to learn from them, but we do lighten things up with a solid dash of community.

In this third episode of the third series of Talking About Marketing, we start with the first of three insights from the new biography of Oscar Wilde entitled, Oscar. His reflection towards the end of his time in Reading Gaol that his life will now be dedicated to tragedy, offers the artistic version of something shared by one of our clients, Emanuel from Flinders Run Wines.

In the Principles segment, we glean insights about how to prepare ourselves to connect with our communities through the wisdom of author, Owen Eastwood. Owen spoke to Steve recently, for the 10th birthday of his community-based podcast, The Adelaide Show.

In our mailbag segment, Steve has a confession to share. He’s recently paid a fine and he wants you to avoid the same fate.

Then, we continue our special secondment of the Perspicacity segment to focus on the second stage of David Sandler’s Sales Submarine.

Get ready to take notes!

Talking About Marketing podcast episode notes with timecodes

01:44  Person  This segment focusses on you, the person, because we believe business is personal.

A Library Of Lamentations

Matthew Sturgis’ brilliant and exhaustive biography of Oscar Wilde, entitled, Oscar, which is read artfully by Jot Davies, caught Steve’s attention when Oscar made a surprising declaration inside Reading Gaol.

Oscar had been jailed for two years for public indecency and the absence of books and writing paper, let alone decent food, community, and drink, had sapped his spirit of the gaiety, curiosity, and comedy he’d been known for.

He declared he would henceforth dedicate his writing to tragegy.

This passage appeared in Steve’s life at the same time that Emanuel from Flinders Run Wines shared an uplifting post on LinkedIn for the benefit of other winemakers and people in the wine industry:

In business we can get bogged down worrying about the negative news we read on social media, the impacts these trying times are inflicting on the wine and related industries, but in amongst this doom and gloom there are shining stories surfacing. It’s important that as a business owner you take the time to reflect on your own work and celebrate the wins, no matter the size big or small they are your wins and the result of your hard work and tenacity, pushing forward in your pursuit for success. Navigating the paths cautiously will ensure each decision you make is the appropriate one for your business and your family, and if it can’t happen now, so be it. Remember we are all sailing our ships through stormy seas, and careful navigation will ensure we reach our destination.

Equally insightful was a comment by Michael Healy, National Careers Education Manager at myfuture.edu.au, during the recording of another podcast Steve hosts, Vocational Voices for the National Centre for Vocational Education Research. Michael commented that when we hear of downturns in particular industries and losses of jobs, we must remember that the figures will be based on averages. We should take heart that there will inevitably be jobs opening and careers flourishing, despite the headlines.

In this reflection, Steve and David remind all of us to be more glass half full than half empty, for our own sake and the sake of those around us.

13:42  Principles  This segment focusses principles you can apply in your business today.

Belonging: The Ancient Code Of Togetherness

We have previously discussed the importance of communities for our businesses and organisations, (see or listen to Series 2 Episode 2, Belonging To The Brand) and that continues this episode, with a twist.

Performance coach and author, Owen Eastwood, has recently joined Steve for his community project, The Adelaide Show podcast, to share insights from his book, Belonging: The Ancient Code Of Togetherness, that might relate to other podcasters but also business owners and leaders.

In the book and interview, Owen explains Whakapapa (pronounced Faka-papa), a Māori idea which embodies our universal human need to belong. It represents a powerful spiritual belief – that each of us is part of an unbroken and unbreakable chain of people who share a sacred identity and culture.

You’ll hear in the interview how this can help you, personally, as well as your colleagues, by discovering a deeper sense of purpose and meaning in what you do.

Steve recently explored this in a blog post, What’s The Point In Belonging To The Brand?

Have a listen to this exploration of how we can take Owen’s principles and theories and apply them to our businesses and organisations.

28:59  Problems  This segment answers questions we've received from clients or listeners.

Check Copyright Of Photos

Steve was taken by surprise when he got a fine for use of a background image in one of his Adelaide Show videos about theatre.

He is a stickler for only using his own photos or those from sites that have licensed them, but he obviously had a lapse of judgement a few years ago.

The interesting thing is that rights holders are now using AI to scan the internet and discover where their images are being used, which they should.

The lesson here is to remain vigilant. Use your own photos where possible and stock images when you’ve paid for them or received express permission from the terms and conditions on the website.

The initial request was for $1400 but Steve asked for it to be reviewed and it was recategorised differently, dropping the fine to just over $700.

Homework: Check any images you have used online that you might have “just grabbed off the internet” and replace them with valid images immediately.

32:09  Perspicacity  This segment is designed to sharpen our thinking by reflecting on a case study from the past.

Sandler Sales Submarine Part Two: Up-Front Contract

Each Perspicacity segment this series, will focus on one part of the Sandler Selling System, and this time it’s the Up-Front Contract.

David Sandler argues this is crucial because whenever humans typically gather, there is an agenda, so people know what to expect, from major meetings to baseball games. However, salespeople and prospects don’t tend to do this, or they do it poorly.

His argument is to get clear on what expectations should be, which has been nicely summarised in this short video by the CEO of Sandler Training, Dave Matson.

Our conversation is being guided by David Sandler’s excellent book, You Can’t Teach A Kid To Ride A Bike At A Seminar, Second Edition.

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