
Blog articles by Talked About Marketing

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Talked About Marketing Blog Index

People aren't stupid: The case for authentic empathy in marketing
If people are failing to buy from you or stay with you, the first thing to check is how well you’ve...
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Social media audit, marketing review, and other monthiversary business hacks
It’s the fourth monthiversary of Talked About Marketing and I’ve taken the opportunity to...
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Is your business mission inspiring? Apollo program insights to fly your employees to the Moon
When setting a business mission, a little inspiration from former US President, John F Kennedy, can’t...
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How Google undermined my business ethics and led me to write a fake online review
Business ethics is a term that stirs passions in the hearts of some business people while leaving others...
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Queen's Birthday Honours and the value of your passion project
The Queen’s Birthday Honours List, announced yesterday, is a timely reminder of the value of finding...
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Ideas from outsiders are the bridge to tourism growth: 2019 TiCSA Conference
How does Leonardo da Vinci’s radical bridge design from 1502 relate to tourism growth in 2019? Businessman...
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You can play outside the social media playground if you want to
Is there such a thing as a social media playground? Yes, there is. There are also other structures, protocols,...
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The importance of marketing earnestly
The Importance Of Marketing Earnestly would be a play I’d like to write in the spirit of my wordsmith...
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