Category Website Building and Optimisation
If You Build It, Will They Come? A Lesson About Domains and Digital Presence

Here’s a question that keeps popping up in my consultations with business owners: “If I buy a new domain name for my product, will it automatically bring me traffic?” Let me share a story I recently used on FIVEaa with…
We’ll Soon Configure Google Analytics 4 For You. Wait, What?

If we helped you configure Google Analytics on your website during the past 15 years, you might be surprised to learn that the company is changing from version 3 to version 4, known as GA4, as of July 1, 2023.…
3 Alarming Emails Small Business Website Owners Get – And What To Do About Them

In recent weeks, there have been three alarming emails that small business website owners have been receiving and, thankfully, forwarding to us for guidance. They involve the following issues: SSL certificates being down Time running out for claiming your .au…
Is your website a dog’s breakfast? Great, now throw Google an SEO bone

A dog’s breakfast is meant to mean something messy and disorganised but if you use it to mean you’re feeding your happy dog, then it can be a great description for an effective website that’s ready to enable you to…
7 quick wins for small business cybersecurity: How to keep your website, passwords, and email secure

Small businesses are the target of 43% of all cybercrimes, and that number is increasing, which is why I’ve put together this article of small business cybersecurity quick wins. The field of operations is vast, when it comes to battening…