
Category: Blogging

Beware The Lure Of Workplace Dessert: The Importance Of The Hard Work Of Planning And Necessary Tasks

Beware The Lure Of Workplace Dessert: The Importance Of The Hard Work Of Planning And Necessary Tasks Beware The Lure Of Workplace Dessert: The Importance Of The Hard Work Of Planning And Necessary Tasks

In the demanding world of small business, it’s easy to be enchanted by the ‘dessert’ – the creative, fun elements like designing trinkets or tinkering with website images. These tasks are sweet and light, and often more appealing to our brains than the ‘main course’ – the hard, sometimes mundane tasks of planning and crafting […]

Blogging For Professional Development: Just What The GP Of Marketing Ordered

Blogging For Professional Development: Just What The GP Of Marketing Ordered Blogging For Professional Development: Just What The GP Of Marketing Ordered

Since 2005, I have been advocating for the use of blogging for professional development and now I’m also adding podcasting to that prescription, in the hope of encouraging you to follow suit. Since David Olney joined me at Talked About Marketing, he’s spurred my consumption of and reflection on numerous audiobooks. By coordinating our reading […]

Storytelling structures for tourism marketing

Storytelling structures for tourism marketing Storytelling for marketers. Photo by Yogi Purnama on Unsplash

Today began with a pleasant trip to Goolwa planned, where I was to deliver a workshop on storytelling structures for tourism marketing for Business Alexandrina and the Tourism Industry Council SA. I’d been anxiously looking forward to this presentation because it was the first time TiCSA had chosen me to deliver a talk instead of […]

Is your website a dog’s breakfast? Great, now throw Google an SEO bone

Is your website a dog’s breakfast? Great, now throw Google an SEO bone Is your website a dog's breakfast? Great, now throw Google an SEO bone. Photo by Chewy on Unsplash

A dog’s breakfast is meant to mean something messy and disorganised but if you use it to mean you’re feeding your happy dog, then it can be a great description for an effective website that’s ready to enable you to throw Google an SEO bone. Sit. Stay. Just give me a moment to unpack this […]

8 essential marketing research steps every digital strategy needs

8 essential marketing research steps every digital strategy needs 8 essential marketing strategy steps - Talked About Marketing - Photo by Celpax on Unsplash.

This may seem obvious but everybody should start with these marketing research steps before developing their digital strategy. However, it’s surprising how many people don’t. Most businesses will have specific audiences they sell to and the more specific you can get about your audiences the better. Research is the most essential part of any strategy […]

To blog or not to blog? Consider the 9 benefits of blogging before you answer

To blog or not to blog? Consider the 9 benefits of blogging before you answer

To blog or not to blog is not really a question for anyone in business who wants to grow and expand their influence, especially when they consider the 9 benefits of blogging. Quite frankly, the act of blogging is as valuable as the actual blogs produced for a range of reasons I will touch upon […]

Exposing yourself to social media marketing

Exposing yourself to social media marketing Exposing yourself to social media marketing

There were a number of themes developed during my social media marketing workshop with members of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography SA branch last week, that might be worth tucking into an album for future reference. They centered around taking time to focus our efforts on the audience so that the subject of our […]

Does the world need more marketing content? Yes, and no.

Does the world need more marketing content? Yes, and no. Marketing books by Steve Davis. Does the world need more marketing content

Does the world need more marketing content? Do I really need to write another blog? Why should I bother creating another podcast episode? I hate to break it to that little voice inside our heads, the one that really enjoys the status quo and the avoidance of hard yakka, but the world is a long […]

3 updated reasons for using odd numbered lists in your blog post titles

3 updated reasons for using odd numbered lists in your blog post titles 3 updated reasons for using odd numbered lists in your blog post titles - image of cassette on iPhone. Photo by Vadim ZH on Reshot

I wrote a blog post six years ago entitled, 3 powerful reasons for using odd numbered lists in your blog post titles, and having mentioned it in some workshops recently, I figured it was time to revisit my thoughts and update them. There is no doubt that much of your success in blogging rests upon […]

The basics of SEO: Google is not a mind reader (yet)

The basics of SEO: Google is not a mind reader (yet)

What are the basics of SEO or Search Engine Optimisation? For those of use who have been working with websites since last century, you might think this question should be old hat by now. But it’s not. Only last week I had a dear friend ask me for some thoughts about why his client’s website […]

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