Marketing Strategy

Category: Marketing Strategy

Escaping the Tourism Cliché – How to Stand Out in a World of “Something for Everyone”

Escaping the Tourism Cliché – How to Stand Out in a World of “Something for Everyone” Box Hill, Melbourne alleyway for the article, Escaping the Tourism Cliché – How to Stand Out in a World of "Something for Everyone"

If you’ve ever browsed a tourism website and felt completely uninspired, you’re not alone. This week, during my chat with Richard Pascoe on FIVEaa, I shared how my recent trip to Melbourne reminded me just how vague and unhelpful most tourism writing has become. And it’s not just Melbourne. This creeping genericism is everywhere, and […]

Grilling Success: Lessons from a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle for Small Business Marketing

Grilling Success: Lessons from a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle for Small Business Marketing Grilling Success: Lessons from a Bunnings Sausage Sizzle for Small Business Marketing - Reflections by Steve Davis from Talked About Marketing Adelaide, Pictured At The Barbecue

The Australian sausage sizzle holds a special place in the heart of community fundraising efforts, serving as more than just a cheeky culinary tradition. Last weekend, my venture behind the grill at Bunnings, aimed at supporting my daughter’s journey to the national paddling championships, transformed from a simple act of service to a profound learning […]

3 Quick Lessons For Small Business From Leo Tolstoy’s Long 1869 Novel War And Peace (And A Bonus From MAFS)

3 Quick Lessons For Small Business From Leo Tolstoy’s Long 1869 Novel War And Peace (And A Bonus From MAFS) 3 Quick Lessons For Small Business From Leo Tolstoy's Long 1869 Novel War And Peace (And A Bonus From MAFS) - Steve Davis, Talked About Marketing Adelaide

In Leo Tolstoy’s epic and very long novel, War and Peace, the complex tapestry of human experience is juxtaposed against the backdrop of vast historical events, offering profound insights into strategy, both in warfare and in life. As a small business owner or leader, distilling actionable wisdom from such a sprawling narrative might seem daunting. […]

Beware The Lure Of Workplace Dessert: The Importance Of The Hard Work Of Planning And Necessary Tasks

Beware The Lure Of Workplace Dessert: The Importance Of The Hard Work Of Planning And Necessary Tasks Beware The Lure Of Workplace Dessert: The Importance Of The Hard Work Of Planning And Necessary Tasks

In the demanding world of small business, it’s easy to be enchanted by the ‘dessert’ – the creative, fun elements like designing trinkets or tinkering with website images. These tasks are sweet and light, and often more appealing to our brains than the ‘main course’ – the hard, sometimes mundane tasks of planning and crafting […]

Last Car Wash Then I’m Outta Here: Will Ending Loyalty Cards Cut The Cord And Set Your Customers Free

Last Car Wash Then I’m Outta Here: Will Ending Loyalty Cards Cut The Cord And Set Your Customers Free Last Car Wash Then I'm Outta Hear: Will Ending Loyalty Cards Cut The Cord And Set Your Customers Free

On Sunday, I went to the family owned and run service station I’ve used for 17 years to get some petrol and to run my car through the car wash. I told the attendant that I just finished my latest car wash loyalty card and will grab a new one with today’s car wash, only […]

Peddling Your Wares When The Tour Down Under Pedals Through Your Town

Peddling Your Wares When The Tour Down Under Pedals Through Your Town Peddling Your Wares When The Tour Down Under Pedals Through Your Town

The TDU or Santos Tour Down Under, is one of those sporting events that attracts a number of fit, high-income individuals and families who enjoy lining the streets to watch the world’s top cyclists in action. While their attention will be on the race, this visitation is an opportunity for local businesses to either service […]

Weekend Sunrise – Behind The Scenes Of Being On TV

Weekend Sunrise – Behind The Scenes Of Being On TV Weekend Sunrise - Behind The Scenes Of Being On TV

When people around Australia saw Belle Baker from Adelaide Hills & Fleurieu Farm Services on Weekend Sunrise one Sunday morning recently, little did they realise how much planning and energy went into making that four minutes of screentime actually happen. And just like most “overnight success” stories are typically 10 years in the making, so, […]

Creating A Content Marketing Calendar For Humans

Creating A Content Marketing Calendar For Humans Creating A Content Marketing Calendar For Humans. Image created by DALLE-2 with a prompt by Steve Davis

In the noisy, fast-paced world of digital marketing, it’s easy for small business owners and leaders to be trapped on the hamster wheel of “churning out” content (because a guru or an AI tool said to), or do nothing because it’s too overwhelming. The pressure to consistently produce content can be overwhelming, and that’s not […]

See, Believe, Explain, Achieve

See, Believe, Explain, Achieve See, Believe, Explain, Achieve. Photo by Julian Hochgesang on Unsplash

I just finished listening to Arnold Schwarzenegger’s new book, Be Useful: Seven Tools for Life. As well as being thoroughly entertaining, because it is full of great stories from his life that Schwarzenegger reads himself, the book is genuinely useful. In particular, I liked Schwarzenegger’s discussion of the self-help adage: see, believe, achieve. In order […]

Anxious About Decision Making? You Never Start From Zero

Anxious About Decision Making? You Never Start From Zero Anxious About Decision Making? You Never Start From Zero. Photo by Burst on Unsplash

One of the things David Olney has brought to Talked About Marketing planning days, is an important concept that dilutes anxiety around decision making, known as the term, You Never Start From Zero. This has been something David has been developing over many years and this article distills those insights. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, […]

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