Category SEO
SEO in the AI Era: Amplifying Expertise with Thoughtful Use of AI and Long-Tail Keywords

For the past 20 years, I’ve watched the landscape of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) evolve but with the advent of AI, that evolution has gotten faster and faster, bringing both challenges and opportunities for small business owners. In this blog…
But it’s not Google: Will Bing cover the gap if and when we lost THAT search engine?

A few clients have asked us whether or not they should be worried by Google’s threat to remove Google Search from Australia if the government introduces its News Media Bargaining Code. Under the code, Google would need to pay news…
8 essential marketing research steps every digital strategy needs

This may seem obvious but everybody should start with these marketing research steps before developing their digital strategy. However, it’s surprising how many people don’t. Most businesses will have specific audiences they sell to and the more specific you can…
The basics of SEO: Google is not a mind reader (yet)

What are the basics of SEO or Search Engine Optimisation? For those of use who have been working with websites since last century, you might think this question should be old hat by now. But it’s not. Only last week…