WordPress Website Once-Off Servicing Package

WordPress Website Once-Off Servicing Package

$250.00 plus GST

Wondering how healthy your website is? Need those WordPress updates done that you keep forgetting?

This fast, simple package is just right for you.

You’ll have a safe, secure backup, everything will be brought up-to-date, and you’ll get some recommendations for things to consider in the future.

It’s peace of mind for website owners.

33 in stock

What our Website Servicing Package includes

What the package includes:

  • A complete back up taken and stored on our servers (to complement any backups taken by your host provider)
  • Updates applied safely to WordPress, plugins, and themes
  • Review of all plugins currently in use
  • Check of website speed
  • Check of connection with Google Search Console and Google Analytics
  • Small report on website status with some To Do items for your consideration in the future

This all inclusive package is $250 +GST.

Typically, this is best used as a once-off check, for websites that have been neglected a while. It will give you a good appraisal of how it’s faring technically.

What we’ll need from you is adminstrator access to your website and, ideally, a log in for your cPanel website hosting environment.

If we discover anything crucial or vital that needs attention, we will streamline our report to you and provide you with a quote.

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