
Category: Marketing

Want to discover South Australian tourism treasures? Start with Visitor Information Centres’ pearls of wisdom

Want to discover South Australian tourism treasures? Start with Visitor Information Centres’ pearls of wisdom If you want the most out of South Australian tourism, Visitor Information Centres offer pearls of wisdom | Photo Steve Davis Talked About Marketing

Whether you’re a tourist ready to explore South Australia or an operator working in the South Australian tourism sector, staff and volunteers in our Visitor Information Centres have pearls of wisdom to help you discover our great state’s treasures. These Centres are custodians of knowledge about what’s on, where to go, who’s running what, and […]

Russian warship go f*ck yourself: Should your brand take a stand during war?

Russian warship go f*ck yourself: Should your brand take a stand during war? Russian warship go f*ck yourself: Should your brand take a stand during war? | Screenshot from Crocoblock website | Talked About Marketing

It’s a luxurious question for marketers here in Australia and other parts of the West, should your brand take a stand during war? For businesses, workers, and families in Ukraine, they have immediate survival needs top of mind and no time for following style guides about font size, let alone whether or not their brand […]

Customer Service Marketing in a time of Covid

Customer Service Marketing in a time of Covid Customer Service Marketing in a time of Covid

The term, Customer Service Marketing, compels us to pay close attention to that part of the customer journey when the brand and the customer interact and/or transact. This is what we might call the “pointy end” of a marketing strategy because it typically takes place after a customer has determined their needs, evaluated their options, […]

3 insights and a diagram from the SA Business Conference 2021 in Gawler

3 insights and a diagram from the SA Business Conference 2021 in Gawler SA Business Conference Gawler - Steve Davis from Talked About Marketing

When you go to an event like the SA Business Conference, organised by the Gawler Business Development Group, you usually expect to come away with at least one insight to help your business but I came away with at least three. I was one of the speakers and I’ll share a diagram from my talk […]

A hat-trick of business and marketing insights from cricket

A hat-trick of business and marketing insights from cricket

Inspiration can strike us anywhere and in my case it came hurtling towards me at speeds of 135 km/h. I am referring to some business and marketing insights gleaned from my experience playing a Virtual Reality cricket game called The Final Overs. There’s not much time for gaming in my life but over the summer […]

Kindness in business: A pathway to profit and happiness

Kindness in business: A pathway to profit and happiness Kindness in business - Steve Davis - Talked About Marketing - Photo by Photo by Andrea Tummons on Unsplash

Is there room for kindness in business? At a time when many of are carrying an even greater burden of underlying stress than usual, due to Covid-19 restrictions and uncertainty, the answer is a resounding yes! In fact, without kindness, it is rare for businesses or humans to prosper in any meaningful or enduring way. […]

How to humblebrag on LinkedIn like a pro – if you want to

How to humblebrag on LinkedIn like a pro – if you want to Humblebrag on LinkedIn

LinkedIn usage has spiked during Covid-19 restrictions, with some reports saying traffic is up by 300%, and I hate to think what volume jump there’s been in the use of the humblebrag on LinkedIn because I’ve seen more than my fair share since early March. The humblebrag or humble brag, has been with us through […]

Better smartphone photos and video for small business

Better smartphone photos and video for small business Better smartphone photos and video for small business by Steve Davis, Talked About Marketing

For many years, I’ve been running workshops helping small business people use their smartphone cameras to take better photos and video and this post covers some of the main points I cover. In essence, there are a few key things to consider when capturing photos and video in house: Technical aspects of photography Composition points […]

Exposing yourself to social media marketing

Exposing yourself to social media marketing Exposing yourself to social media marketing

There were a number of themes developed during my social media marketing workshop with members of the Australian Institute of Professional Photography SA branch last week, that might be worth tucking into an album for future reference. They centered around taking time to focus our efforts on the audience so that the subject of our […]

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