
Category: Marketing

My Why, my Why, my kingdom for a Why: How you can unlock drive and clarity with Simon Sinek’s Start With Why process

My Why, my Why, my kingdom for a Why: How you can unlock drive and clarity with Simon Sinek’s Start With Why process Steve Davis and the Start With Why process had its roots in a presentation I did on being authentic in a fake world for TiCSA

The Start With Why process is not new but like many insights that require work, it often gets lumped in the Important but not Urgent category to be worked on tomorrow and, of course, that tomorrow never comes. So in this article, I want to hang my Why out in public to keep it present […]

In praise of podcasts for professional development: No, hear me out!

In praise of podcasts for professional development: No, hear me out! Podcasts for professional development - Steve Davis with Keith Conlon and Nigel Dobson.

One of the most efficient, enriching, and entertaining ways of using commute time or exercise time is to make sure you double up your activity by listening to podcasts for professional development at the same time. Imagine for a moment that you are heading to your office and listening to a podcast about social media […]

3 updated reasons for using odd numbered lists in your blog post titles

3 updated reasons for using odd numbered lists in your blog post titles 3 updated reasons for using odd numbered lists in your blog post titles - image of cassette on iPhone. Photo by Vadim ZH on Reshot

I wrote a blog post six years ago entitled, 3 powerful reasons for using odd numbered lists in your blog post titles, and having mentioned it in some workshops recently, I figured it was time to revisit my thoughts and update them. There is no doubt that much of your success in blogging rests upon […]

People aren’t stupid: The case for authentic empathy in marketing

People aren’t stupid: The case for authentic empathy in marketing Empathy in marketing by Steve Davis, Talked About Marketing Adelaide. Puppy evoking empathy. Photo by Torsten Dederichs on Unsplash

If people are failing to buy from you or stay with you, the first thing to check is how well you’ve embraced empathy in marketing. But what has “the ability to understand and share the feelings of another” got to do with your marketing efforts? Everything. No matter how much we convince ourselves that we […]

Social media audit, marketing review, and other monthiversary business hacks

Social media audit, marketing review, and other monthiversary business hacks Wendy Perry, Jodie, and Steve Davis for the social media audit article by Talked About Marketing

It’s the fourth monthiversary of Talked About Marketing and I’ve taken the opportunity to reflect on my business, undertake both a social media audit and a marketing review, and as a result of this I’m writing to urge you to do the same. The fourth month of operations is a “weird” time to get all […]

Is your business mission inspiring? Apollo program insights to fly your employees to the Moon

Is your business mission inspiring? Apollo program insights to fly your employees to the Moon Can your business mission be inspired by the Moon?

When setting a business mission, a little inspiration from former US President, John F Kennedy, can’t hurt. Try emulating this paraphrased version of his famous 1962 speech at your next team planning session: We choose to go to the Moon in this decade, not because it is easy, but because it is hard; because this […]

How Google undermined my business ethics and led me to write a fake online review

How Google undermined my business ethics and led me to write a fake online review Steve Davis on how Google undermined my business ethics and led me to write a fake online review

Business ethics is a term that stirs passions in the hearts of some business people while leaving others staring blankly. And, sadly, business ethics is a topic that has become an endangered species in some quarters of the business community, even here in my home town of Adelaide. So this is why I have become […]

Queen’s Birthday Honours and the value of your passion project

Queen’s Birthday Honours and the value of your passion project Why you should pursue your passion project. A reflection by Steve Davis

The Queen’s Birthday Honours List, announced yesterday, is a timely reminder of the value of finding your passion project, which is not advice you often hear from people in sales and marketing. A glance through the 2019 honours list shows that while some recipients seem to have won a gong for being famous or powerful, […]

Ideas from outsiders are the bridge to tourism growth: 2019 TiCSA Conference

Ideas from outsiders are the bridge to tourism growth: 2019 TiCSA Conference The Da Vinci bridge - a symbol of how to achieve tourism growth threw radical innovation. From the TiCSA 2019 conference. Image: Lourakis CC BY-SA 3.0

How does Leonardo da Vinci’s radical bridge design from 1502 relate to tourism growth in 2019? Businessman and co-founder of Virgin Australia Airlines, Brett Godfrey, drew the “tenuous link” at yesterday’s TiCSA Tourism Industry Council South Australia conference at the Adelaide Oval. He relayed the story of the great artist responding to a call from […]

You can play outside the social media playground if you want to

You can play outside the social media playground if you want to Are you trapped in the social media playground? Talked About Marketing Steve Davis. Photo by Aaron Burden on Unsplash

Is there such a thing as a social media playground? Yes, there is. There are also other structures, protocols, and habits in life that guide and limit us subconsciously. The playground I’m referring to is the dedicated area set aside by the authorities in which children are given a set number of structures to climb, […]

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